Goodnight, MusicPals

The MusicPals website has come to an end. After over 2 years, it's been an surreal journey. From the initial viral TikTok, to many other social media posts that made it big around the globe, the site has seen it all - and been seen by many.

I am grateful everyday for what this site has done for me, and for the impact that it managed to have on so many of you. The messages I have been sent of stories of people meeting via MusicPals, and now dating, getting married, being best friends and even travelling around the globe to see each other are truly amazing.

Thank you to all of you who used it. To those of you who matched with one person, and to those of you who matched with hundreds. We're all humans, and we all share a love of music. I hope that this site will stay as a fond memory, and that you will continue to be the amazing people that you are.

Every story has to have an end. This is the end of MusicPals. Over the past year, the site has died down a lot, and I've been paying for all server bills out of pocket. The site never took on advertisements, and I never wanted to. I wanted it to be a pure experience, and I wanted to keep it that way. It's been a good run though, and I'm sure plenty of people will innovate in the future in this space.

Stay awesome, stay healthy, and keep sharing your love of music.
- Scott Hiett, Creator of MusicPals

stay in touch @hiettdigital